Argument Co
Situation To cut in half the residual ash produced at its incinerator, the city will
separate, for recycling, enough refuse to cut in half the number of truckloads of refuse going to the incinerator.
Reasoning Which option is required if the city’s revamped collection program is to achieve its aim? Cutting the number of truckloads of refuse in half must
reduce the amount of residual ash to half last year’s level. But if removal of the recycled refuse does not proportionately reduce the amount of ash, this will not happen. So, if the amount of residual ash produced per truckload increases after recycling, then the amount of ash produced will not be cut in half by
cutting in half the number of truckloads.
A. This merely indicates that no further reduction of ash through recycling could be achieved this year; it indicates nothing about how much the ash will be reduced.
B. This suggests a further benefit from recycling, but does not bear on the amount of ash that will be produced.
C. Since no information is provided about how much, if any, recyclable materials were removed from the refuse last year, this does not affect the reasoning.
D. Correct. This states a requirement for the collection program to achieve its aim. To see why this is required, assume this were not true. Suppose, instead, that the refuse
incinerated this year would generate more residual ash per truckload incinerated than the refuse incinerated last year did. If that were the case, then cutting in half the
truckloads to be incinerated would not cut in half the amount of residual ash generated by incineration.
E. This is not a requirement because even if the city collects more refuse this year, it could still cut in half the amount of residual ash by cutting in half the number of truckloads going to the incinerator.

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